
Welcome to Trinity Church! We are glad you are here.

In-person services on Sundays 8:00 and 10:00 AM.

The 10:00 service will be live- streamed on our Facebook Page

Office hours: 9:00 am-Noon: Monday-Friday

Mon 8:30 AM Morning Prayer
Mon 9:30 AM Book Club
Tues 8:00 AM Morning Prayer
Wed 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
Thurs 8:00 AM Morning Prayer
Fri 8:00 AM Morning Prayer

Ascribe to the LORD the honor due His name; bring offerings and come into his courts.
If you feel called to give in support of the ministry and mission of Trinity Church, please feel free to do so by scanning the QR code below or using the following link: https://secure.myvanco.com/L-Z953/home

Weekly Announcements:

+Trinity is Selling Martin’s and Food Lion Cards.  The church received around 5% of the proceeds from sales. 

+Book Club: Meets every Monday at 9:30 am in the Parlor (Unless posted otherwise)

+Coffee Hour: Please remember to sign up for Coffee Hour. The signup sheet is in the fellowship hall on the bulleting board.

+Flowers: There are always spots for dedicated.

+Bible Study: Sunday in the Fellowship Hall @ 9am

January ALTAR GUILD-Lane Donley, Amy DeBreuler, Pat Egle, Lois Speg, Beth Ayling,

February ALTAR GUILD– Shannon Taylor, Rozzy Garner, Vicki Lanham, Jane McSwain, Roy Winkle, Beverly Van Matre, Jean Jacobs, Anne Small

March ALTAR GUILD– Lane Donley, Carolyn Banks, Aileen Boyd, Margaret Coe, Jane Cook, Elaine Dorosh, Jo Ann Knode, Libby Sturm, Annette VanHilst, Jenny Hollis.

April ALTAR GUILD-Lane Donley, Amy DeBreuler, Pat Egle, Lois Speg, Beth Ayling,

May ALTAR GUILD– Shannon Taylor, Rozzy Garner, Vicki Lanham, Jane McSwain, Roy Winkle, Beverly Van Matre, Jean Jacobs, Anne Small

June ALTAR GUILD- Lane Donley, Carolyn Banks, Aileen Boyd, Margaret Coe, Jane Cook, Elaine Dorosh, Jo Ann Knode, Libby Sturm, Annette VanHilst, Jenny Hollis.

July ALTAR GUILD– Lane Donley, Amy DeBreuler, Pat Egle, Lois Speg, Beth Ayling,

August ALTAR GUILD-Shannon Taylor, Rozzy Garner, Vicki Lanham, Jane McSwain, Roy Winkle, Beverly Van Matre, Jean Jacobs, Anne Small

September ALTAR GUILD– Lane Donley, Carolyn Banks, Aileen Boyd, Margaret Coe, Jane Cook, Elaine Dorosh, Jo Ann Knode, Libby Sturm, Annette VanHilst, Jenny Hollis.

October ALTAR GUILD– Lane Donley, Amy DeBreuler, Pat Egle, Lois Speg, Beth Ayling,

November ALTAR GUILD– Shannon Taylor, Rozzy Garner, Vicki Lanham, Jane McSwain, Roy Winkle, Beverly Van Matre, Jean Jacobs, Anne Small

December ALTAR GUILD– Lane Donley, Carolyn Banks, Aileen Boyd, Margaret Coe, Jane Cook, Elaine Dorosh, Jo Ann Knode, Libby Sturm, Annette VanHilst, Jenny Hollis.

The people of Trinity in the news:

Local church building features past unique from its Civil War-era contemporaries

Local church marks 20 years of holding live nativity in Shepherdstown

Christmas Cookie Walk fills hearts, stomachs with holiday cheer

Trinity Episcopal Church finds new ways to embrace local community | Journal-news | journal-news.net

Thanks for stopping by! All are welcome at our Altar rail!